

Salva diapositive
17,157 2,431 4y ago
  • identificazione : SM-192
  • Soggetto : Profumo
  • Quantità : 5 slides
  • Rapporto : 16: 9, 4: 3
  • Formato : MS Powerpoint, Presentazioni Google, Keynote
  • Le lingue : EN
  • Carattere usato : Abril Fatface, ParmaPetit, calibri, Capture
  • Licenza : Uso personale e commerciale
  • Valutazione : Gratuito

Descrizione della diapositiva

Modello PowerPoint - Scivoli tematici PPT: Trova i subacquei per creare presentazioni efficaci per comunicare le tue idee e coinvolgere il tuo pubblico.

Slide Panoramica.

  • I always write 'Magic Potion' on my perfume bottles so when I use them, it feels magical - I make spells in the morning when I put them on. - Alexa Chung
  • Before every show, I have to put perfume on. I know the crowd's not necessarily going to smell me, but when I smell good, I feel like I can dominate the room. - Rita Ora
  • Perfume is like a personal signature, which is why I like to mix my own. For years I've paired Femme by Rochas with Shalimar and love the results. - Danielle Steel
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