
nouvel An chinois Diapositives de présentation PowerPoint

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23,178 108 3y ago
  • Identifiant : SM-7441
  • Sujet : nouvel An chinois
  • Quantité : 40 slides
  • Rapport : 16:9
  • Format : MS Powerpoint
  • Couleurs : rouge jaune le noir
  • Langues : EN
  • Police utilisée : Julius Sans, Montserrat
  • Licence : Utilisation personnelle et commerciale
  • Évaluation : Prime

crown label Premium Template

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Description de la diapositive

This is an illustration design template in a theme of Chinese Spring Festival. With red and gold colors symbolizing wealth as the main colors, it delivers luxurious feel. For 2020, the year of mouse, we included various mouse illustrations and illustrations with Eastern mood for you to utilize it for a fancy template.

Table des matières

Happy Chinese new year
Year of the rat
Make a wish
Graph in china
Rising of the new year
have a happiness
Hope to better
Rising of the new year
Hollyday in china
2021 hollyday
Plans for the new year
New year's resolution
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