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Professional business presentation Format: PowerPoint (.pptx) - designed with Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 Modern, attractive, and business-friendly colors Latest Templates support version
Smart and innovative presentation slides Drag & drop image placeholders Free images and artwork Easy to change colors
Easy to edit in PowerPoint Landscape orientation style Clean, modern, and creative slides Latest Templates support version
Drag & drop friendly Easy to edit and customize Vector icons 100% editable Non-animated
Modern, simple, and clean design Modern and clean design Landscape orientation style Image placeholders
Clean, modern, and creative slides Clean style Modern, attractive, and business-friendly colors Easy color change
I always write 'Magic Potion' on my perfume bottles so when I use them, it feels magical - I make spells in the morning when I put them on. - Alexa Chung Before every show, I have to put perfume on. I know the crowd's not necessarily going to smell me, but when I smell good, I feel like I can dominate the room. - Rita Ora Perfume is like a personal signature, which is why I like to mix my own. For years I've paired Femme by Rochas with Shalimar and love the results. - Danielle Steel
Non-animated Trend template Standard (4x3) version of this template also available. Easy to change colors