139 templates are available now. All templates are being produced at the highest level by our professional designers.
Layouts based on master slides Easy customization Easily editable charts 16:9 slide size
Clean style Master slides ready Fully editable and customizable Resizable vector elements
Modern, simple, and clean design Section break slides Very easy to customize Drag & drop ready Latest Keynote support version
Modern, attractive, and business-friendly colors Drag & drop object placeholders 16:9 slide size Latest Keynote support version
Modern, attractive, and business-friendly colors Editable graphs Drag & drop object placeholders Resizable vector elements
Modern, simple, and clean design Section break slides Editable graphs Drag & drop object placeholders 16:9 slide size
Creative slides Very easy to customize Drag & drop object placeholders Data charts
Clean, modern, and creative slides All graphics resizable and editable Data charts Resizable vector elements
Trend Keynote template Resizable vector elements Mock-up devices (included in presentation) 16:9 slide size
Clean style Layouts based on master slides Drag & drop object placeholders Resizable vector elements
Modern, attractive, and business-friendly colors Fully editable and customizable All graphics resizable and editable Editable data charts
Master slides ready Easy customization All graphics resizable and editable Pixel-perfect illustrations
Modern, attractive, and business-friendly colors Drag & drop object placeholders Pixel-perfect illustrations 16:9 slide size
Clean style Master slides ready Very easy to customize 16:9 slide size
Modern, attractive, and business-friendly colors Editable graphs Drag & drop ready Data charts
Creative slides Layouts based on master slides Easy customization All graphics resizable and editable
Clean style Modern layouts based on master slides Editable graphs Easily editable charts
Creative slides Easy customization Editable data charts 16:9 slide size
Clean style Editable graphs Image placeholders
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