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Easy to edit and customize Free font used 100% fully editable PowerPoint slides Easy color change
metaverse, vr, ai, it, virtual reality, virtual world, 4th industry, online, virtual, game, rendering, social media, digital, icon
exercise, health, fitness, sports, gym, diet, pt, swimming, body weight, scale, jumping rope, bicycle, running, marathon, 1st place, yoga, meditation, heart rate, cycle, supplements, dday, icon
dentistry, dentist, doctor, cavity, treatment, nerve, prosthetics, orthodontics, teeth brushing, toothbrush, dental floss, tooth extraction, implant, scaling, anesthesia, icon
setup, settings, control, computer, options, change settings, volume, sound, icon
Office, business, idea, documents, chair, phone, document, office supplies, presentation, announcement, mouse, drawer, light bulb, briefcase, printer, calendar, file folder, stand, lighting, suit, Icon
energy, solar power, light bulb, electricity, wind power, battery, power plant, utility pole, lightning, outlet, meter, electrical work, electrician, power, thermometer, save, green energy, earth, environment, recycling, icon
construction, construction site, architecture, workers, hard hats, safety first, construction materials, facilities, equipment, surveying, icon
recruitment, open recruitment, new employee, headhunting, job search, interview, job application, resume, selfintroduction, job, occupation, passing, icon
plants, housekeeper, growing plants, arbor day, tree planting, garden, flower bed, vegetable garden, trowel, greenhouse, pests, pesticides, water treatment, fertilizer, pruning, icon
animal hospital, veterinarian, pet, pet dog, cat, cute, puppy, animal, pet family, pet care, animal hospital ppt, doctor, hospital, neutering, icon
school, student, study, class, learning, elementary school, middle school, high school, education, art, math, english, physical education, school bus, lecture, book, reading, class time, schedule, icon
graduation, graduate, graduation ceremony, graduation cap, certificate, graduation certificate, diploma, university, school, student, congratulations, employment, icon
shipping, transport, trade, export, import, ship, container, courier, delivery, transfer, truck, dump truck, crane, loading, sea, icon
car, car center, rent, rental car, sharing, car share, repair shop, electric car, steering wheel, key, car wash, gas station, car repair, gas, repair, garage, new car, dealer, used car, icon
doctor, medical, medical staff, nurse, hospital, treatment, wheelchair, ent, ophthalmology, medical chart, nursing assistant, icon
awards, awards ceremony, first place, certificate, plaque, trophy, ranking, well done, medal, gold medal, silver medal, bronze medal, star, icon
blood donation, blood, plasma, heart, donation, blood test, blood collection, syringe, blood donation day, blood donation house, icon
water, tap water, swimming pool, tube, rain, bottled water, water aperture, bucket, snow, fish, sea, snorkeling, bathroom, bathtub, swimming, cold water, icon
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